If you live in a home with single-pane windows and notice that some of your windows look old and worn, it may be time to consider replacement windows in Tucson, AZ. Windows are an integral part of your home, so it’s essential to know when they need replacing. Here’s how to tell if it’s time for new ones.
Degraded Window Caulk
Window caulk is the sealant that holds the glass in place and helps to keep drafts out of your home. If you notice a lot of drafts coming through your windows, it’s time to replace the window caulk. An easy way to tell if it’s time for a new caulk job is if you have any gaps between the frame and siding. If there are gaps, chances are good that the old caulking has deteriorated and needs replacing.
Draughts in the House
You may know the potential for a draught to become a problem in your home. If you notice that your windows are letting in air, then it’s likely that they need to be replaced.
Draughts are caused by the fact that your window frames aren’t sealing correctly around the edges of your windows. This can happen if they haven’t been installed correctly or if their seals have worn out over time and need replacing. If you want to fix this issue, it makes sense to get new windows for your house so that you don’t have this problem again in the future!
Rises In Energy Bills
If you notice your energy bills are higher than usual, it might be time to replace the windows in your home.
When we think of air leaks in homes, we often focus on cracks, holes, and other apparent problems. But even a well-built house can leak heat and money through its windows. Older single-pane glass blocks up to 36 percent of the sun’s heat rays when they’re exposed to direct sunlight, while newer double-pane glass blocks up to 85 percent!
You may have already noticed that replacing old windows can help keep the temperature inside your home more consistent during winter when temperatures drop outside—and vice versa during warmer seasons when you want your house cool at night but warm during daytime hours.
Insulation is vital for keeping your home warm in winter and cool in summer—and new replacement windows can provide more insulation than older ones with less efficient thermal characteristics (this is also why thicker window frames will make a difference).
Broken or Cracked Glass
If you notice that any of your windows have broken or cracked glass, this is a sign of damage to your window. Broken glass can be caused by extreme weather conditions such as hail storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. It can also be caused by something hitting the window, such as baseballs, rocks, or bullets. If you notice this problem with one of your windows, it’s best to get a quote from an experienced replacement company to fix the issue so that it doesn’t worsen over time.
Unclear View Through The Windows
If you are having trouble seeing clearly through the windows, it may be time for replacement windows in Tucson, AZ. The glass in your windows might be dirty or foggy, which could make things difficult to see. You should also check to see if they have cracks or chips on them. If so, these can allow moisture into the frames during rainstorms and snowfalls. This will cause rot and other damage to occur, which will then lead to an overall need for new windows. Were here to help.