Your body understands how to regulate itself when you work too hard and over-exert: you break a sweat! But did you know that our homes can break a sweat as well? Especially during the winter months when the temps drop into the 40’s or even in the evenings when the Tucson air can cool off considerably.
Home-perspiration manifests itself on the windows of your home with condensation. This is typically caused by high levels of humidity. Newer homes especially are built to be sealed tight which means little or no ventilation. Left unattended, condensation can spread creating moisture spots on walls, peeling paint and even rotting wood which in turn can lead to mildew and fungus in corners and even in the interior structure of your home where you don’t notice it.
The solution? Consider replacement windows. Double-pane windows in particular are able to maintain relative humidity of around 50-55 percent.
Design Flaw?
In the short term there is a number of ways to alleviate condensation on your windows. It might be something as simple as installing “trickle vents” to the tops of your windows to augment the ventilation, or it might mean something more comprehensive is needed.
A few easy fixes include opening windows while taking a hot shower or soaking in a hot bath. When you’re in the kitchen cooking, the temperatures can rise along with that soufflé of yours so again – ventilate! Before you initiate any work or upgrade. Your first step should be a thorough inspection of the windows you already have installed in your home.
Because the overall design of a window can really make or break the window and energy efficiency and security should be at the top of your list. When it comes to replacement windows Tucson, AZ, let Olander’s Window Replacement compliment your style and your housing needs with cutting-edge technology and savings that will stay with you for as long as you own your home!
All About Remaining Calm and Cool
Before you go to extremes and replace your home’s heating or cooling system, step back and go to the source: your windows and their ability to keep the hot/cool air inside (or outside depending on your point of view).
Summertime can turn homes into a moisture-absorbing nightmare. Actually older, less energy-efficient windows may have allowed for ventilation by default because they just weren’t well-constructed.
Nothing we experience in our daily lives’ should stress us so much that it causes us to break a sweat! The same can be said of our homes! At Olander’s Window Replacement we’re not just replacing windows we’re helping creating dreams. We want to share your vision to create a room with a memorable view!
Olander’s Window Replacement is conveniently located at 4141 Speedway Blvd. Better yet why not schedule a free in-home estimate! Just give us a call us at (520)-326-2909. It’s that simple! Stop by, give a call or shoot us an email at
Olander’s Window Replacement. Here for you since 1952!